Hear Your Pets, Heal Your Pets

Reiki Distance Healing Safe Natural for Any Pet

Reiki for Animals provides relaxation, stress reduction and healing or any animal - anywhere

Master Reiki healers who specialize in Animal Reiki, Thom Williams & Jonquil Williams bring compassionate, insightful care for you and your pet family for a comprehensive healing and deeper relationship with all the animals in your life.

  • Animal Reiki reduces stress - relaxes nervous pets / animals
  • Helps emotional issues - creates a place of peace and safety
  • Great for trauma - PTSD issues- rescues - lost & missing pets
  • Long distance healing - In comfort of your home w/ no visitors intruding on pets
  • Especially good for fearful, scared, hard to transport animals, ferals
  • Natural and safe to use w/ any other treatments, Rx's, remedies and protocols
  • Reiki for Animals used by many vets and professional offices
  • Reiki approved by VA for Veterans
  • Used in Hospices for humans and animals alike!
  • Works independently of any religion or spiritual belief system
  • Animal are very accepting of Reiki because animals give Reiki

Reiki for Animals Creates Amazing Healing on all Levels for Pets & Animals

Reiki and Animal Reiki is a energy healing technique developed thousands of years ago which is gentle, can be done hands on (in person) or from any distances with the same effect and outcome. It's been adapted into many different names across different cultures across the Earth these days, but they are all based on the basic concept of receiving the gift of healing energy. View more about the benefits and philosophy behind Reiki for Animals..

Reiki and Reiki for Animals

Reiki and Reiki for Animals has principles and symbols that automatically set the intent of the healing session as positive, and does not rely on any type of belief system by you or your pets / animals for it to work. Finding the cause of an illness is often done through Reiki scanning, also known as medical intuitive scans.

At Animal Healings, Thom Williams and Jonquil Williams have devoted their entire Reiki careers to specializing in helping animals through Reiki energy healing, and both are certified Reiki Masters. Animals are usually very eager and receptive for an energy healing and most pets / animals understand the concept since they give healing energy themselves.

Animal Communication and Animal Reiki helped Sassy

12-year old Sassy lost nearly half her weight, vets tried regular protocol w/ little improvement. I called Thom and Jonquil for communication and double Reiki. Sassy regained 1.5 lbs in about a week! Read how Animal Communication and Animal Reiki helped Sassy Phyllis E., Atlanta, GA

Master Reiki for Animal Specialist

Animal Reiki helps reduce stressed pets

Animal Healings distance energy healing for your pets through Animal Reiki with can help stressed, nervous and injured animals anywhere in the world for any type of pet or animal, no matter what hey have been through. Animal Reiki heals all types of illnesses, ailments, allergies, pre & post-surgical pet patients heal faster, eases emotional issues, and can help dietary and eating issues. Best of all, Animal Reiki is self-guided and heals so much more. Animals are very accepting as they find Animal Reiki very accessible to themselves as a self-healing tool.

Our Medical intuitive scanning utilizes Reiki and can help find undiagnosed or difficult to understand and hard to solve internal & external pet health issues. We can work with your vet to help solve issues

The Gift Of Healing From Animals

Often you will see injured or special needs / challenged children and adults receiving therapy by swimming with dolphins, or riding on horseback with reports being able to accomplish amazing things the patients have never achieved before - that's Reiki!

Many of those patients receiving the animal -to-human energy healing by feeling a vibrational effect that is very similar to what is felt during a human-to-human Reiki session.

Extra Cuddles

When your pet spends extra cuddling, kneading or padding on an area that hurts on your body (sometimes you may not have even known that area was hurting until they bring it to your attention) that's your pet giving you the gift of Reiki.

Wild Life Parks, Horse Ranches, Other Venues

There are many wild life parks, horse ranches and other venues all over the world where different animals gift their Reiki to special needs children and injured adults. I'm sure you have seen news clips of dolphins swimming up to children that have never moved their legs in their lifetime. The dolphin has no way to know this information, he or she has never met the child before. Yet they swim right up to child and begin nudging the child's legs or other areas where the child suffers and almost immediately there is a reaction by the child. The children's parents usually drop to their knees in shock, tears and amazement, crying, and sending blessings and love to the dolphin or other animal involved.

The same with horses as you see autistic children are put on the back of a horse and within moments they open up like a blooming flower. The children speak, move and do actions they have never done before. This is commonly known as Reiki energy being given by a Reiki gifted master animal.

Return the Reiki Healing Back to Your Pets with Reiki for Animals

Through Animal Healings, you can give the gift of healing energy right back to your pets with Reiki for Animals distance healing. It works from any distance, for any pet, right in the comfort of your home without any visits or trouble! How does it work? Sit back and tour our site - we have tons of Reiki for Animals Info for you - starting below. Make sure you visit our customer testimonials for Reiki for Animals who explain in detail how our Reiki for Animals helped their pet families in very different and individual ways.

About Animal Healings' Reiki for Animals Services

Thom & Jonquil of Animal Healings have been Reiki for Animals healers for 20+ combined years and they specialize in healing pets and animals of all species with distance healing sessions for clients anywhere in the world.

Reiki for Animals is used to promote the pet's own healing and a sense of well being and healing. It can reduce stress and promotes relaxation (sometimes almost immediately) and help with all types of trust and security issues that are often present in sensitive, rescued and traumatized pets.

Hear your pets - heal your pets ™

Schedule Your Animal Communication / Reiki Session

We work with any species of animal or pet with convenient animal communication by phone and distance Animal Reiki sessions, no matter where you are located. Your animal family gets to stay in the comfort of their home.


"Without Thom's amazing Reiki healing, I was afraid she wasn't going to get better this time". More of Julie R Reiki Session testimonial - San Antonio, TX

"You have our heartfelt thanks for being kind enough to answer my call for help ... as well as being so gifted at what you do. God bless you and thank you!" More Animal Reiki Session testimonial Lisa & Jim P from Orlando, FL

" Ultimately, I saw Cluny [rescued feral] walk himself into the carrier and sit down facing me without me even closing the door and just wait for me to take him to the doctor. " Read More Animal Reiki & Behavior Animal Communication testimonial from Cindy K - Wayne, NJ

"I am so grateful for Thom and Jonquil's help, their encouragement and their willingness to work along with the vets! I am thrilled to say that Sassy is "on the mend"! Read (2x) Double Animal Reiki Testimonial of Phyllis E. from Atlanta, GA

" Now that he's home both cats are getting along noticeably better, I've even caught Ernie cleaning his brother a few times" Read Lost pet animal communication testimonial of Julian, Cary, North Carolina

Now, I have an incredible resource in Thom to turn to anytime Lilly’s asthma gets worse. Read animal Reiki testimonial about asthma Julie R, San Antonio, TX

Reiki Music - 10 Song Album

by Thom Williams - Energy Healing in Rock/Jazz Music