Hear Your Pets, Heal Your Pets

Animal Communication Helps End of Life Pet Care Decisions

Animal Communication Helps with End of Life Pet Care and Pet Loss Grief Decisions

Animal communication helps during pet loss with support for the whole family including pets
  • Help and insight during the times of your pet's life when you need it the most
  • Answers to difficult questions from your pet - are they ready to cross over, or do they want to stay?
  • Relay all the loving and most important comments you've always wanted to tell your pet before its too late.
  • How can you make them the most comfortable during this important time?

Tough Questions that Will Last Forever...

There's rarely a question about whether we love our precious pet companions enough. We devote every day to that quest. However, when it comes to end of life care many pet parents have that sense of doubt in the back of their mind that can be difficult to bear:

  • "Are we doing the right thing?"
  • "Is our pet in so much pain that we must help end this pain right now?"
  • "Can there possibly be other options before we make that very final decision because not everything is adding up to us?"

The doubt can haunt pet parents for years to come.

It's never easy to think about when you are in the middle of critical care decisions and end of life topics when it comes to our precious pet family members. They devote their lives to making us happy and making us feeling loved. And every situation is different. Think of it this way, every animal is an individual, they love differently from one another, they feel, and act differently. They all have separate abilities, and this includes things like tolerance to pain - just like humans.

Human and Animal Consciousness Are the Same

There's now scientific evidence to this fact thanks to the Cambridge Declaration of Consciousness. It that declares human consciousness and animal consciousness are the same. It was signed by the world's top neuroscientists at a conference at the University of Camridge, where Dr. Stephen Hawking was the guest of honor. The signed declaration simply means every animal is a thinking, feeling, creative individual - they our soul peers.

What does that really mean? Animals are capable of feeling, thinking, laughing, grieving and having emotions just like us! They are capable of making decisions too and should participate in an important decision like the end of their life.

How Animal Communication Can Help

Through animal communication we can help make the whole process of end of life care, and the subsequent pet loss grieving, much less traumatic for your entire family. Of course the decisions are yours and rightly so. But the insights that animals can provide through animal communication can bring a sense of peace. The loss will always hurt, but the sense of doubt and second guessing can be eased.

The ability for you to be able to know what your pet is thinking and how they are feeling at these critical care moments, especially concerning pain levels can help all your family members so much. It's important to remember that pets/animals nervous system work a little different than humans and we should try our best not to impose our own fears and feelings upon them ( Anthropomorphism).

Animal communication helps during pet loss with support for the whole family including petsThrough professional animal communication, you'll be able to provide your pet with things you might not have known they were needing to make them more comfortable.

Helps Make Pets More Comfortable

We have had pet clients undergoing chemotherapy treatments and other very serious treatments who make requests that simply make them a little more comfortable during the treatments or sometimes the recuperative stages. Warmer blankets, a darker, quieter place to sleep, raising their water and food dishes higher to aid in swallowing, keeping other pets away, or having certain pets or family members close by. All things we request when we're not feeling well are the same things your pet may wish during their time of need and can be essential in keeping them comfortable.

Every pet is an individual, while one pet can handle pain and may want to stay with you a little longer, there have been other client's pet's who can't handle pain and want help in transtioning over right away.

"Did I Make the Right Decision?"

No one certainly wants to see their pet suffer, but so many clients come to us later wondering if they rushed their decisions. This is why it is so important to know your pet's wishes when it comes time for help in them cross over. That's where an animal communicator session can really benefit you and your pet. You can work with a pet communicator in developing signals from your pet. Your pet can give you a clear sign of something they have never done before you when they have reached their limit and are just too tired or in too much pain and want help. Easy to recognize signals, things that your pet would not have done in an ordinary situation, can be discussed beforehand with your pet so that you don't have to waste any time in getting them help.

The Option of Passing At Home

Many vets and qualified euthanasia specialists now make house calls when it comes time. (We've personally used Lap of Love for our pets.) Although it still hurts in letting go of your cherished loved one, it's less confusing and crazy than having to rush out of the house or worry about havng to schedule euthanasia during a vet's office hours. You can have some peaceful final moments at home and don't have to drive in traffic which can be dangerous when under emotional distress. This may not be available where you live, but it's an option to look into.

We provide support for you and your pet through the process during and afterwards. Learn more about our pet loss grief support services, which also includes helping your surviving pets who may also be grieving the loss of their friends / pet mates. Professional animal communication can provide incredible empathetic support during the process and with afterlife communication.

Facebook Post by J A Edgar.

"Thank-you Thom and Jonquil for easing Casper into his last 12 hours in 3D. He passed completely cradled in love honor ceremony song and support, comforted and at peace, ready to give up his spirit without undue suffering. You have my highest recommendation for your real healing skills and loving support. Thank-you for being angels for the animals heart emoticon Gratitude! Porchie says "Hi!"

*Note: We are not, nor claim to be, veterinarians, health care providers, emergency care providers and cannot diagnose, treat, or prescribe treatments for your animal companions. We can, however, relay symptoms and information from your animal that may be useful for your vet and any of your licensed providers.

When It's Time — Help Transtioning

As it becomes time for your pet to transition from this lifetime and journey into a new their destination, we can help facilitate the process for both of you. It's never easy for anyone, and having gone through the process with our own pets over the years and with many clients, we are completely sensitive to your needs. We can ease the fears and anxieties, and help your pets find their way through a peaceful journey and what can become a somewhat beautiful process as they venture on to the next realm.

You can also speak with your beautiful loved one after they have crossed over to find out how they are doing and what plans they may have (or if their plans have changed) with afterlife communication through our pet loss grief sessions.

The Return Journey — Is Reincarnation Possible?

Read more about our experiences and work with pet parents on how pets can [sometimes] choose to come back to their families for another lifetime of love and adventures. View our Pets Reincarnation page

Hear your pets - heal your pets ™

Schedule Your Animal Communication / Reiki Session

We work with any species of animal or pet with convenient animal communication by phone and distance Animal Reiki sessions, no matter where you are located. Your animal family gets to stay in the comfort of their home.


"We are ever so grateful to you for your healing touch and believe you saved her life." Read Lisa & Jim P, Orlando, FL Animal Reiki Testimonial

"I am very pleased to have my potty trained Luna back!" Read more of Alina J. Minneapolis, MN Animal Communication cat litter training testimonial

"...calmed my fears and gave me new insights into my cat... best of all, my cat came back exactly how and when Thom said he would" Read more from Kathrine K., Jersey City, NJ lost pet testimonial

It was the first time the steroid really wasn’t enough. Without Thom’s amazing Reiki healing, I was afraid she wasn’t going to get better this time.I have an incredible resource in Thom to turn to anytime Lilly’s asthma gets worse. Read more of Julie R, San Antonio, TX Animal Reiki Testimonial

" Ultimately, I saw Cluny [rescued feral] walk himself into the carrier and sit down facing me without me even closing the door and just wait for me to take him to the doctor." Read more from Cindy K - Wayne, NJ animal communication testimonial

"We were astounded - and I know it was with the help of the Golden Cord and Thom's communication with him." Read more of Kathy W. Sebastian, FL lost pet & golden cord testimonial

Now that he's home, both of my cats are getting along noticeably better. I've even caught Ernie cleaning his brother a few times, something I'd never thought I'd see before. Read more from Julian, Cary, North Carolina lost pet & behavior help testimonial

" 10 minutes later a knock came on my door with the girl standing there with Freckles in her arms!!" Read more from Kelly LM. Venice, FL lost pet found in minutes testimonial

"I went from feeling hopelessly sad and scared to extremely happy and faithful." Read more of Justine & Smokey Moreno Valley, CA lost pet home testimonial

"...Thom's mapping along the way was dead-on. A few hours after getting the map I had a call..." Read more from Nancy E, Chaptico, MD lost pet & map dowsing testimonial

"They became essentially four totally different dogs" Read more of Iris H, Englewood, FL pet behavior session testimonial

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