Hear Your Pets, Heal Your Pets

Dog Behavior Problems Solved by Animal Communicator

Dog Behavior Problems Like Aggression, Barking, Marking Solved by Animal Communicator Behavior Specialist

Animal Communicator helps dog behavior issues

How The Benefits of Using an Animal Communicator Helps Your Dog Behavior Issues

  • Animal communicator helps solve difficult dog behavior issues by finding out what your dog is experiencing asking what they are experiencing.
  • Dogs may not be aware or or understand their actions are perceived as wrong, harmful or negative to pet parents.
  • As animal communicator and negotiator, we use a client-centered, empathetic approach and negotiate changes with your dog based on both your needs.
  • Your dog doesn't feel coerced or backed into a corner- they have a voice and love having their needs heard.
  • By understanding your dog's perspective of the human world, it offers you a much more loving and powerful approach to solving difficult dog behavior issues.
  • We offer better choices in dog behavioral patterns.
  • A more powerful & effective option than just telling them "no", calling them a"bad dog", or trying to force an inappropriate training solution on them.
  • We find alternatives that meets everyone's needs.
  • Redirect dog's high energy or attention seeking tactics into a "job" they love.
  • Complements other training methods you're already using.
  • Pet Behavior Mediation MP3 to help pet parents shift the energy in their pet household

About Dog Behavior Problems and Issues

We help pet behavior problems by understanding perspective

Dog behavior problems can be one of the most frustrating things as a pet parent to deal with in the dog world. You fall in love with them from the first moment you lay eyes on them and want to do anything you can to help them. When a problem develops everyone seems to have an opinion, there's a million web sites, and a thousand different ways to deal with the same dog behavior issue.

Why Not Ask the Dog?

Why not ask your dog what is happening - from the dog's point of view? That's where a professionally trained animal communicator comes in to help!

What is your dog experiencing during the difficulty from their perspective? What does the human world look like and what problems does it present them from their point of view? It really can be that simple.

Never make assumptions of what you are seeing is just the issue. Just like in the human world, dog's can be thinking, experiencing and/or saying things to each other you would never expect. The only way to find out is by asking the right questions - that's our job! Let's put it this way...have you ever had a disagreement with a family member, co-worker or best friend that lasted for days, weeks or months only to both discover you were both thinking something was said differently than it actually happened? It works the same way in the world.

Common Dog Behaviors We Help Through Animal Communication

  • Excessive barking
  • Biting, nipping and chewing
  • Tearing up and destroying items
  • Fighting
  • separation anxiety
  • Growling and over-protection behaviors
  • Leash Pulling
  • Fence running
  • Obsessive compulsive behaviors
  • Digging holes and nose grinding
  • Fearfulness and hiding
  • Super Alpha Syndrome

With a professionally trained animal communicator like Animal Healings, Jonquil Williams and her husband Thom Williams have helped so many clients (even their own family's dogs) with behavior issues, once they have talked directly with the dog and understood their perspective of life in our world. Each dog is an individual and not every dog responds to the same treatment or training.

At Animal Healings, we are professionally trained animal communicators, we have always known animals are smart, creative, individual thinking beings just like us. It's just one of the reasons we're able to reach out to them, on a one to one level and talk with them about difficult issues like behavior problems.

Every Dog is Different

Often other common behavioral programs put all dogs into the same behavior "box", all dogs act like all dogs. Cats are cats, birds are birds. Addressing behaviors with a broad stroke species approach may help for a short period, but often stop working after a very short period of time because it's not addressing the real cause that started the issue.

With animal communication, everyone relaxes as we help you and your dog find a new approach and a better understanding of each other. We have had dogs in our lives too, so we understand what they are going through, and what you are going through in these dog behavior situations .

A Dog's Perspectives

We solve pet behavior problems by understanding perspectiveThe dog's point of view of our human world can often be very different than what you ever imagined. Once you have heard what the world is like for your dog and how they see, feel, hear and sense things in their environment, you'll have a better understanding of what might be causing them to react to certain problems.

What seemed like a dog behavior issue at the start can turn out to be something entirely different after talking with your pet.

"Needs and Offer" Style Negotiation

Barking, biting, separation anxiety, going to the bathroom in inappropriate locations, even OCD behaviors can often be corrected in a gentle, understanding, "needs and offer" style negotiation approach. Our calm, compassionate approach and our ability to hear and share your dog's perspective helps you both find and agree to solutions. We use a negotiation style approach to behavior issues, which has been very successful with many of our clients. (Read our happy dog parents testimonials)

Staying Ahead of Behavior Issues

Animal Communicator Thom helps any species of pet

Keeping ahead of the curve when it comes to dog behaviors and issues can also prevent health issues from developing.

When dogs become so stressed they don't know how to communicate the pain or trouble they are feeling, they can internalize these feelings into health issues - just like we do.

This energy they bottle up inside can develop into serious heath conditions and illnesses anywhere in their body.

At Animal Healings, we also offer the option of Animal Reiki energy healing sessions to help in these types of situations and circumstances. Distance energy healing, or remote energy healing, through Animal Reiki can be very effective for animals because they are usually very accepting of the energy.

PTSD's in Pets

Animal Communicator Thom helps any species of pet

Through animal communication, we can help uncover many aspects of a dog's history that happened before they arrived in your home. Sometimes this may include things that have led them into having post traumatic stress disorders or similar issues. At Animal Healings, with our professionally trained animal communication and our Animal Reiki practice, we offer many ways to help dogs through PTSD and similar issues.

We have also seen in many cases where unattended dog behavior issues and problems can lead to runaway and lost dog cases, who sometimes feel they have to make a grand statement because they have become so unhappy or that some type of change needs to happen at home

Understanding their needs often helps getting these pets to return home.

Hear your pets - heal your pets™

Schedule Your Animal Communication / Reiki Session

We work with any species of animal or pet with convenient animal communication by phone and distance Animal Reiki sessions, no matter where you are located. Your animal family gets to stay in the comfort of their home.


Our vet hands-on exam says Freddie's bladder tumor has shrunk at least 30% Read more animal reiki & animal communication testimonial JL, Chicago, IL

" Ultimately, I saw Cluny [rescued feral] walk himself into the carrier and sit down facing me without me even closing the door and just wait for me to take him to the doctor." Read More cat behavior animal communication testimonial Cindy K, Wayne, NJ

"We were astounded - and I know it was with the help of the Golden Cord and Thom's communication with him. " Read More lost pet & golden cord testimonial Kathy W. Sebastian, FL

"I am very pleased to have my potty trained Luna back!" Read more cat behavior litter training Animal Communication testimonial Alina J,. Minneapolis, MN

"I went from feeling hopelessly sad and scared to extremely happy and faithful." Read more lost pet returns home testimonial Justine & Smokey Moreno Valley, CA

"No way he could have known some of things he revealed" Read More pet loss grief animal communicator testimonial Mark E., Jacksonville, FL

He spoke with Zoe after he passed and gave me closure. He also told me things no one else could possibly know, but me and My Friend Zoe. Read more pet loss grief support testimonial Angelique T. Crown Point, IN

It was the first time the steroid really wasn’t enough. Without Thom’s amazing Reiki healing, I was afraid she wasn’t going to get better this time. I have an incredible resource in Thom to turn to anytime Lilly’s asthma gets worse. Read more Animal Reiki testimonial Julie R, San Antonio, TX

"I cannot thank Thom enough. He helped me understand what was happening to Sanna. She was very sick and was readying herself...." Read more end of life animal communication testimonial Alane L, Streamwood, IL

We have had problems with Zeek jumping on us and visitors whenever we would walk through the front door. Now, Zeek has not jumped on anyone! I still can't believe it Read More pet behavior solution testimonial Animal Communication Teresa, Ft. Myers, Florida

12-year old Sassy lost nearly half her weight, vets tried regular protocol w/ little improvement. I called Thom and Jonquil for communication and double Reiki. Sassy regained 1.5 lbs in about a week! Read more Pet Behavior Animal Communication and Reiki Phyllis E., Atlanta, GA

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